My Outlook
For me, Kink Domination is immersive, alchemical theatre.
It’s energy healing.
It’s conscious and ritualistic.
It’s deeply psychological.
It is fun.
. . .
In my sessions I experience my whole self and beyond.
I am present on every level and I am channelling.
“The person in London is more likely to want and need a harder touch,
in order to crack through the armour they have built up
to protect their hearts,
and other soft tender parts”
∴ Barbara Carrellas, Urban Tantra
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I see my work in many folds
• Pleasurable • Healing • Psychological • Spiritual • Creative • Divine • Radical •
If not a Domina, then who? Who else will spend the time with you, unravelling and re-threading your senses, spirits and sexes. Bringing your shadows to the light, unjudged, and guiding you through the process of re-experiencing.
Dominas exist in the margins and intersections of all of the above. We are the divine female healers of old; the witches, crones, those who have the capacity to channel the pleasure and pain of others without taking it on ourselves. We are a threat to the patriarchy because we are fully in our power, and we answer to no man. You come to us with your needs and surrender to our medicine. We are teaching men how to be more sensitive and aware. We are guiding women to understand their full divine femininity. We are queering gender roles, blasting away the constructs that keep us behaving, and carving spaces for queer or feminine magic to take visibility and form in society, and in each and every one of us. We are dissolving gender altogether, recognising that everyone in this system suffers as a result of oppression.
“We tend to think of the erotic as an easy, tantalising sexual arousal.
I speak of the erotic as the deepest life force,
a force which moves us toward living in a fundamental way”
∴ Audre Lorde

Most of my clients are male; this website is worded and crafted primarily for you. This landscape is changing however, and more females and genderqueer people are visiting me, which I love, and I have a different platform for this audience. I adapt my sessions to each and every person. When we are encountering one another on different axes of identities, we will work out the dynamic that is natural and needed.
I do not believe that men are bad; the world is full of beautiful, conscientious men. But because of the way society is, many men are unaware of so much. Through challenge and struggle, we self-investigate and we grow. Females, queer people, people of colour, less-abled people, economically disadvantaged people, have all had to live this every minute of
every day of their lives. We are forced to question, to educate, we learn how to adapt and to take nothing for granted, we work hard at living because living is hard work when society is stacked against you.
I believe that the men who come to visit me are interested in this journey. I respect them fully for engaging with it. The desire to understand feeling lesser. Because this is a journey that many are forced to take, and it has forced us to be better, more conscientious people. Most Dominas have been called to our work. We are warriors who come from every walk of life and have colourful other lives. We have been through it, put up with it, fought it, and this path is something that honours that knowledge of living. What we do is radical, because most of society cannot handle the idea of us. We are highly regarded from a distance – in fashion, films, literature, archetypes. People like to know we are out there, but up close, the stigma runs deep. We are doing the work, and sharing it with you.
“The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house”
∴ Audre Lorde
. . .
Who am I?
Batman. Understand that for me this realm is ritual theatre, a space that we dream up where healing takes place. This takes nothing away from the realness of our interactions. Mistrix Kali Domina is a part of my being who I am constantly sculpting, attuning, and embodying to educate yourselves and also myself. She is an alter-ego, her own creature, who I am in constant conversation with and who I love. In my other life, I am down-to-earth, proudly queer and genderqueer. My interests are in social change, healing, plants, movement, arts and human rights. You may not meet me, and that is fine. That’s how I like it to be.
A note to queer family: everything you see has been carefully crafted to resonate with a cis male audience. The language and terms I’ve used throughout are basic and gendered so they can understand, and come, and learn.
A note to cis male audience: If you’re not sure what cis male means, your journey begins here.

My Outlook
For me, Kink Domination is immersive, alchemical theatre.
It’s energy healing.
It’s conscious and ritualistic.
It’s deeply psychological.
It is fun.
. . .
In my sessions I experience my whole self and beyond.
I am present on every level and I am channelling.
shame, lust, desire. These are our Kinks. BDSM is a consensual, safe space to unearth what is latent and invite it into our conscious realms.
“The person in London is more likely to want and need a harder touch, in order to crack through the armour they have built up to protect their hearts, and other soft tender parts”
∴ Barbara Carrellas, Urban Tantra
. . .
I see my work in many folds
• Pleasurable • Healing • Psychological • Spiritual • Creative • Divine • Radical •
If not a Domina, then who? Who else will spend the time with you, unravelling and re-threading your senses, spirits and sexes. Bringing your shadows to the light, unjudged, and guiding you through the process of re-experiencing.
Dominas exist in the margins and intersections of all of the above. We are the divine female healers of old; the witches, crones, those who have the capacity to channel the pleasure and pain of others without taking it on ourselves. We are a threat to the patriarchy because we are fully in our power, and we answer to no man. You come to us with your needs and surrender to our medicine. We are teaching men how to be more sensitive and aware. We are guiding women to understand their full divine femininity. We are queering gender roles, blasting away the constructs that keep us behaving, and carving spaces for queer or feminine magic to take visibility and form in society, and in each and every one of us. We are dissolving gender altogether, recognising that everyone in this system suffers as a result of oppression.
“We tend to think of the erotic as an easy, tantalising sexual arousal. I speak of the erotic as the deepest life force, a force which moves us toward living in a fundamental way”
∴ Audre Lorde

Most of my clients are male; this website is worded and crafted primarily for you. This landscape is changing however, and more females and genderqueer people are visiting me, which I love, and I have a different platform for this audience. I adapt my sessions to each and every person. When we are encountering one another on different axes of identities, we will work out the dynamic that is natural and needed.
I do not believe that men are bad; the world is full of beautiful, conscientious men. But because of the way society is, many men are unaware of so much. Through challenge and struggle, we self-investigate and we grow. Females, queer people, people of colour, less-abled people, economically disadvantaged people, have all had to live this every minute of
every day of their lives. We are forced to question, to educate, we learn how to adapt and to take nothing for granted, we work hard at living because living is hard work when society is stacked against you.
I believe that the men who come to visit me are interested in this journey. I respect them fully for engaging with it. The desire to understand feeling lesser. Because this is a journey that many are forced to take, and it has forced us to be better, more conscientious people. Most Dominas have been called to our work. We are warriors who come from every walk of life and have colourful other lives. We have been through it, put up with it, fought it, and this path is something that honours that knowledge of living. What we do is radical, because most of society cannot handle the idea of us. We are highly regarded from a distance – in fashion, films, literature, archetypes. People like to know we are out there, but up close, the stigma runs deep. We are doing the work, and sharing it with you.
“The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house”
∴ Audre Lorde
. . .
This work is my income. I have a varied life and very strong principles for what my duty is on this earth. I work with human rights, environmental rights, social justice through the arts, healing. For me it makes sense that I can make my income smashing the patriarchy so that I can have the freedom to fight it.
I have worked as a Domina for 12 years alongside my other work. I dedicate a huge amount of time, love, creativity and professionalism into this practice, and I treat it like the most treasured business there is. I believe it is amongst the most honest work there is. What other work operates with complete transparency, honesty and accountability between two consenting bodies?
If you are a man seeking out a session with me, you will feel proud to hand over the tribute for our time spent together. If you are not, then enjoy the freedom that the exchange gives you to take this time.
. . .
Who am I?
Batman. Understand that for me this realm is ritual theatre, a space that we dream up where healing takes place. This takes nothing away from the realness of our interactions. Mistrix Kali Domina is a being who I am constantly sculpting, attuning, and embodying to educate yourselves and also myself. She is an alter-ego, her own creature, who I am in constant conversation with and who I love. In my other life, I am down-to-earth, proudly queer and genderqueer. My interests are in social change, healing, plants, movement, arts and human rights. You may not meet me, and that is fine. That’s how I like it to be.
A note to queer family: everything you see has been carefully crafted to resonate with a cis male audience. The language and terms I’ve used throughout are basic and gendered so they can understand, and come, and learn.
A note to cis male audience: If you’re not sure what cis male means, your journey begins here.